May 14, 2017

Be Who You Needed When You Were Younger

You have suffered.

You have lived through challenging times.

You have experienced invalidation in your lifetime.

You have been told that you were wrong, in some way. Or in many ways.

You have lived through experiences that you wouldn’t wish on anyone.

And yet, here you are. You have survived. You have lived to tell the tale.

But there are still others out there who need to know that the thing that you’ve gone through is get through-able.

They are living it today, and they want to know that you exist.

I can only help people who are anxious, depressed, or suicidal as well as I can because I have been all three of those things, and moved forwards and thrived.

I can only help people who have wondered about whether or not they bring any value to this world because I have questioned (and recognized) the value that I myself bring to the world.

I can only help people who aren’t sure about whether or not they have what it takes to make a full-time business out of their deepest passion because I have navigated that same uncertainty and self-doubt, and made it work despite my fears.

In short, I am not only able to help people traverse the things that I myself have gone through, it is my heart’s deepest calling to do so… and I feel deeply in alignment when I am afforded the opportunity to engage in such activities.


Are you going to tell your story?

Are you going to voice your existence?

Or are the people who are needing to be served by you going to have to keep on guessing as to whether or not someone like them can get through what they’re going through?

Be who you needed when you were younger.

Put your voice out into the world, sooner than later.

Because someone out there needs you to.



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