Hi, I’m Jordan
Since 2009, I have made it my life’s mission to help as many people as possible create their most fulfilling, passionate, love-filled lives.
My way of doing this has been through publishing books and hundreds of articles, coaching clients one-on-one in deep-dive sessions, and teaching tens of thousands of men and women through my video programs.
I originally started this website in order to have my thoughts reach a larger audience, and I am proud to say that my writing has reached over 200 million readers since its inception.
My Story
I have always been a sensitive, intuitive, big-hearted person. When I was growing up, this was taken advantage of.
I went through some tough stuff from the ages of 5-15 and came to think of relationships as something to avoid. I learned to walk on eggshells and play small… making sure that I never relied on anyone but myself.
After years of shutting off my heart and protecting myself from the world, I decided that enough was enough. I was going to reclaim all of the parts of myself that I had abandoned, and become fully myself once more.
I launched myself head first into years of challenging inner-work. I studied with world class teachers and gave it my all. And eventually, I came out the other side of the tunnel.
I’m now in the most fulfilling relationship of my entire life (with my wife, Demetra), and I can say with total ease that I love myself, and love my life, more than I ever thought possible.
My hope is that my thoughts, offerings, and insights help you to know that you are not alone. That you are not broken. That there is nothing unloveable about you. At all.
And I care as much as I do about others because life has not been particularly easy on me.
I have struggled with addiction. I have been depressed, had panic attacks, and once tried to take my own life.
I have walked the path, and I know, deep in my bones, that healing is possible.
And really, while it’s fun for my ego to think about all of the places that my writing and my ideas have been featured, what I am the most proud of are the accomplishments and the progress of all of my clients over the last 15+ years.
I’ve helped clients go from single to married. From depressed to thriving. From stuck in old limiting beliefs to expanding into their full potential.
In short, I have supported people in healing themselves. That is what I am most proud of.
At the end of the day, I hope to be a conduit of inspiration, healing, and love. And if I can help to encourage you along in your journey, then I feel absolutely honored by that.
About Jordan Gray
Jordan Gray is a relationship coach with more than 15 years of practice behind him. His work has been featured in The New York Times, GQ, Brides, Forbes, The Huffington Post, Self, Cosmopolitan, Vogue, Business Insider, Entrepreneur, Women’s Health, Marriage.com, DatingAdvice.com, and countless other publications around the globe. He has made it his life’s mission to make thriving relationships attainable to everyone.
Within two years of starting his website, he had five #1 best-selling e-books on Amazon and, since launching, his writing has reached an audience of well over 200 million people from around the world.
He has worked with over a thousand clients privately and in groups over the past 15 years and has helped people of all ages, orientations, and backgrounds have more deeply fulfilling love lives.
When he’s not working with clients or writing a new article, he’s most likely to be found reading, chopping wood, or spending time with his wife Demetra on a little island off the west coast of Canada.
Let’s Connect! Here’s How To Go Deeper
Check out some of my most popular articles over here.
Want something even more in depth? Check out my video courses here.
If you’d like to contact me personally for a media interview or speaking engagement, you can email me at jordan (at) jordangrayconsulting.com (and if you’re looking to be coached by me directly, you can apply for 1-on-1 coaching here).
Most importantly, you’ll want to get on my email list (by clicking here, or signing up below), to get regular tips on creating a thriving love life and becoming your best self.
No matter what level you are ready to involve yourself with what I offer, I look forward to helping you reach your highest success.