
Why People Don’t Get The Life They Say They Want (5 Reasons)
Few things are more tender, or more meaningful, to us than our heart's deepest dreams.
In fact, the tenderness of our desires is so real that we often find sneaky, subtle ways to side-step them completely.
Have you ever known someone who said, for years, that they wanted something more than anything?
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11 Thoughtful Things I Do For My Wife
When it comes to sustaining a thriving, healthy marriage, I believe that grand gestures are overrated.
In a world of choreographed, flash-mob proposals and Pinterest-perfect breakfasts-in-bed, it's easy to get caught up in the grand gestures of love, but I think it's the little things that truly keep...
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9 Ways To Improve Your Marriage Using Inversion Thinking
I’ve written before about cognitive biases, and today, I’m going to speak to a different one and help you use it to improve your marriage (or any romantic relationship you’re in).
Us humans have what is commonly referred to as a 'negativity bias.' Which is a fancy way of saying that we’re better at...
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14 Lessons Learned In 11 Years Of Business
On January 26th, 2013, I officially launched this business of mine.
Whether you're a self-employed business owner and looking to shortcut some of my hard-earned wisdom, or just a reader of my work who is curious about peeking behind the curtain of a different aspect of my process, there will be something...
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7 Popular Concepts That I Just Don’t Believe In
There are a handful of concepts that are so popular… so everywhere… that every time I see them, I just want to shoot myself in the fucking face.
Both the frequency of how often I hear about them and the degree to which people believe in them without question really grinds my gears.
So, welcome...
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4 Man-Melting Phrases That Make Him Fall In Love
Words are powerful.
With a simple sentence we can bolster, boost, encourage, or strengthen someone….
And with a different choice of words we can shame, crush, undermine, destroy, or decimate.
After releasing my article 5 Types Of Compliments That Melt A Man’s Heart, a few women reached out to me...
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4 Things To Never Say To A Man
In the delicate dance of communication, some missteps can lead to a full stop.
There are some words that, when said, rapidly destroy connection.
What are they? You might be able to guess one of them. Possibly two if you’re already a serious student of the intricacies of men.
But if used in conjunction,...
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5 Types Of Compliments That Melt A Man’s Heart
Men need compliments too.
And yet, most men were more-likely-than-not raised in a way where they were fairly compliment starved.
Think about it...
It's easy to imagine a woman complimenting another woman.
It's also easy to imagine a man complimenting a woman.
But when we do an honest audit...
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5 Tips For Your Weekly Relationship Ritual
Want a surefire way to boost the connection, love, and harmony in your intimate relationship?
A weekly relationship ritual is sure to do the trick!
Whether you’re in a new relationship and want to get off on the right foot, or you and your spouse have been together for many years and the busyness of...
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6 Ways To Meet Someone Without Online Dating
I was recently speaking with a client who felt exhausted by online dating.
The endless swiping... the sub-par dating pool... the lack of intrigue for anyone that registered as anything more than a (totally generous) 5 out of 10 on the excitement scale.
And hey, honestly, I don't blame her.
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