
The 3 Biggest Obstacles Impeding Men's Development Today
Jun 15, 2020
Jordan Gray
The 3 Biggest Obstacles Impeding Men’s Development Today
If you’re a modern man, you’ve probably noticed how hard it can be to make real progress on your most significant goals. Do you feel like nothing is changing in your life, despite having good intentions? Or like you’re just crawling along in first gear, and not feeling enough traction or aliveness? Or...
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10 Ways For Men To Sharpen Their Sword 
Jun 2, 2020
Jordan Gray
10 Ways For Men To Sharpen Their Sword 
If you want to become a more effective and powerful man, it will require methodical training and conquering challenges. Now, if you’ve been reading my other writing on integrating your masculinity and becoming a stronger person, you’ll find that I might often stress the inner work, or, more specifically,...
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3 Tips For A Better Relationship With Your Man
May 31, 2020
Jordan Gray
3 Tips For A Better Relationship With Your Man
Want to inspire your man’s deepest love and commitment? And see just how romantic and emotionally available he can be? Or, if you’re single: Do you want to set yourself up to attract the man of your dreams with total ease? If you do the following three things I’m about to explain, you just might be...
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Suicidal To Successful To Self-Loving: The First 33 Years Of My Life
May 25, 2020
Jordan Gray
Suicidal To Successful To Self-Loving: The First 33 Years Of My Life
The following is a summary of the first 33 years of my life. Kind of like a thus-far-autobiography. It should be noted that I am an unreliable narrator... as all narrators are. Because my perspectives are only my own. I'm sure some facts are muddied by my highly fallible human memory, especially...
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3 Ways That Men And Women Are Conditioned Differently
Apr 24, 2020
Jordan Gray
3 Ways That Men And Women Are Conditioned Differently
No one escapes childhood without passing through a gauntlet of messages about what is expected from them. And while no one gets through unscathed, the messages that men and women receive tend to differ in some fairly consistent ways. Today, I’m going to dig into three of the most common differences. Why?...
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How To Have Amazing Sex While Quarantining
Mar 19, 2020
Jordan Gray
How To Have Amazing Sex While Quarantining
Are you currently quarantining yourself indoors because of this whole Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic? And are you still a sexual being? Yes, of course you are! Regardless of the extent of self-quarantining and/or social distancing that you are currently engaging in, you are still a soft-bodied human...
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How To Get Your Social Needs Met While Social Distancing
Mar 19, 2020
Jordan Gray
How To Get Your Social Needs Met While Social Distancing
SO! There’s a worldwide pandemic and your local government has told you to engage in social distancing for an unknown amount of time and you want to NOT go crazy? I’ve got you covered. We humans are a social species. In other words, we need each other in order to thrive. And not knowing how long we’ll...
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Why Entrepreneurs Burn Out And Kill Themselves
Feb 20, 2020
Jordan Gray
Why Entrepreneurs Burn Out And Kill Themselves
Three years ago, I received news that an entrepreneur friend of mine had taken his own life. As it is with most suicides, the initial response was shock… It just didn’t add up. From the outside, things seemed to be going fairly well. He always looked sharp and broadcasted a general energy of optimism. ...
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The 5 Books That Completely Changed My Life
Feb 8, 2020
Jordan Gray
The 5 Books That Completely Changed My Life
Today I want to tell you about the five books that have most positively impacted my life. And if you've been reading my writing for any length of time, then there's a good chance that you and I have some overlap in how we think and operate in the world. And if that's the case... well, then you might...
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12 Questions To Drastically Strengthen Your Relationship
Jan 6, 2020
Jordan Gray
12 Questions To Drastically Strengthen Your Relationship
Once people get past the early romance phase of a relationship, it can start to run on autopilot to an unhealthy degree. In short, people stop paying quality attention. Both to their partner, and to how they themselves are showing up in the relationship. Fortunately, if you get better at asking...
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