Mar 15, 2017

No More Settling

Seriously. That’s it. From today onwards, you’re making a vow…

No more settling in your love life.

No more settling for partners that don’t inspire you.

No more settling for partners that you don’t truly respect.

No more settling for partners who you don’t absolutely love having conversations with.

No more settling for partners who you’re hesitant to introduce to your close friends or family.

No more settling for partners who you don’t enjoy your sexual connection with.

No more settling for partners that don’t feel somehow magical in your eyes.

No more settling for partners whose scent you don’t adore.

You’re done. You’re finished. You’re through.

You’re breaking up with settling, for good.

No more making half-baked excuses for their behaviour, time and time again.

No more “You don’t know them like I know them”’s… your love should be apparent to all who know you well.

No more partners who you don’t enjoy kissing.

No more partners who don’t share your sense of humour.

No more partners who don’t inspire you to be a better version of yourself.

No more partners who aren’t willing to put in the kind of work into your relationship that you are.

No more partners who can’t meet you at the level of intimacy and emotional depth that you crave.

You’ve had a good run. You’ve enjoyed your empty sex, cried your tears over the lovers who barely deserved them, and experienced a variety of people as romantic partners… and now, you’ve reached the end of your line.

Draw a line in the sand, and honour it.

It’s time to step up into your fully aligned, bad-ass self.

The world needs you in all of your self-expressed glory… and that gorgeous heart of yours will only open all the way if you have the courage to allow yourself to be fully met by someone who is as amazing as you are.

Your dream partner is out there… and they’re just waiting for you to start being all of the things that you were meant to become.

No more settling in your love life. Period.

You’re ready. It’s time.

I believe in you.



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