Posts with tag life hacks

10 Daily Habits That Have Been Changing My Life Lately
Mar 4, 2018
Jordan Gray
10 Daily Habits That Have Been Changing My Life Lately
I go in and out of cycles of being overly interested in hacking and optimizing my life’s habits. I’ll have a couple of months where I’m really focused on optimizing my physical health (i.e. seeing a personal trainer every week, taking vacations, soaking up lots of time in nature, eating my weight in...
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7 Daily Habits That Have Contributed To My Success
Oct 7, 2016
Jordan Gray
7 Daily Habits That Have Contributed To My Success
Your habits make you who you are. This isn’t a new concept. What you do, you become. Small actions done consistently over time add up and become much larger things. Small things done over time add up into pleasure, joy, and comfort. Those same things neglected over time lead to pain, disease, discomfort,...
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7 Simple Life Skills That Improve Everything
Feb 13, 2016
Jordan Gray
7 Simple Life Skills That Improve Everything
I recently started writing about more holistic topics (i.e. not just sex and relationship building topics) and the response has been overwhelmingly positive. So today, I’ve decided to write about the seven highest leverage life skills that I’ve incorporated into my life over the past few years that...
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