Character Development

Why Your Partner Can’t Be Your Everything
Jun 4, 2016
Jordan Gray
Why Your Partner Can’t Be Your Everything
You have been sold a fantasy that can never come true. One of the worst things that the era of romantic love has taught you is that you are supposed to find a soul mate in a significant other who will be able to meet all of your needs flawlessly, often without even having to communicate their needs...
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The Intentional Life Ep.2: Radical Self-Love with Kelsey Grant
May 23, 2016
Jordan Gray
The Intentional Life Ep.2: Radical Self-Love with Kelsey Grant
Today on The Intentional Life, I have amazing-badass-superwoman, and one of my personal coaches over the last two years, Kelsey Grant. Kelsey is a love and relationship educator with her teachings rooted in a radical self love methodology. Simply put, she's a self-love coach. And a hell of a good...
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This Is Why You Need To Repel People
May 22, 2016
Jordan Gray
This Is Why You Need To Repel People
At the time of my writing these words, I’ve been a full time sex and relationship coach for about seven years. And in that time I’ve heard from a lot of people around the world who chronically get this one thing wrong about life… Whether they're going on first date, setting up an online dating profile,...
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Forget The Noise - Here’s Who You Really Are
May 21, 2016
Jordan Gray
Forget The Noise – Here’s Who You Really Are
Your weight. Your height. Your eye colour. Your income. Your job title. The car you drive. Your wrinkles. Your fat. Your cellulite. Your bra size. Your penis length. Your hairline. Anything and everything that you obsess about when you look in the mirror. It’s all noise. All of those...
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The Intentional Life Ep.1: Discover Your Core Gifts With Ken Page
May 16, 2016
Jordan Gray
The Intentional Life Ep.1: Discover Your Core Gifts With Ken Page
I sent out a survey to my readers a few months ago asking what people wanted to see more of, and there was a huge vote for more free video content. Well, ask and you shall receive! Introducing (drum roll please...), the first episode of The Intentional Life video series. In today's episode,...
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What Most People Get Wrong About Happiness
Apr 26, 2016
Jordan Gray
What Most People Get Wrong About Happiness
The date was December 31st, 2015... While taking a weekend vacation in a cabin in the woods, I sat across from my girlfriend as we wrote down our goals for the coming year. When we revealed our sets of goals to each other, they couldn’t have been more different. My goals all had numbers attached to...
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The Hardest And Most Important Thing You Will Ever Do
Apr 25, 2016
Jordan Gray
The Hardest And Most Important Thing You Will Ever Do
What is the hardest and most important thing you will ever do for yourself? I’m not going to leave you hanging. I’m going to give it to you right away, and then dig into why this is so important. The most important (and challenging) thing you could ever do for yourself is to... Take full responsibility...
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How Will You Spend Your Heartbeats?
Apr 22, 2016
Jordan Gray
How Will You Spend Your Heartbeats?
The most scarce resource you will ever have is your time. But time is too intangible. Time is a thing that humans invented to organize our lives around. So I like to think of our time in terms of heartbeats. You can feel your heart beating. It connects you to your body, and gets you out of your...
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29 Things I’ve Learned In 29 Years
Apr 21, 2016
Jordan Gray
29 Things I’ve Learned In 29 Years
At the time of my writing this, my 29th birthday is a few days away. 29 laps around the sun... and I feel like I have experienced a fairly densely packed ride so far. I've struggled, I've conquered, I've travelled, I've felt, and I've loved. The following collection of words flowed through me in one...
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The Importance Of Honouring Your Standards
Apr 14, 2016
Jordan Gray
The Importance Of Honouring Your Standards
This question came in from a reader yesterday… - “I’ve been sleeping with a guy for the past ten months, I communicated to him early on that I was looking for something more serious and he seemed open to it. But every time I brought up the conversation of taking our relationship to the next level...
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