Jan 1, 2014

The Most Challenging 48 Hours Of My Life (A Year In Review)

I was at one of the lowest points of my life a year and a half ago…

I was depressed, unfulfilled, and having frequent panic attacks.

I was in a relationship that drained me, a job that I resented, and felt incongruent with who I was and what I was doing.

One morning, I woke up and decided that it was time for a change; within 48 hours I left my job, ended my relationship, and purged my life of 95% of all of the physical possessions that I owned.

I bought a one way ticket to Southeast Asia, started my business, and promised myself that I wouldn’t return to my hometown until I was making a full time income from my new mission.

I was terrified. I cried every few days and second guessed myself at every turn. Was I doing the right thing? Should I have left my salaried job? Would my friends back home forget about me while I was away?

Looking back, I wouldn’t have done anything differently.

It was these past two challenging years that made me what I am today. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

As a quick re-cap of what I got up to this year…

I wrote and published four books (on how to be socially engaging, how to plan powerful dates, how to date as an introvert, and how to be the best possible boyfriend/husband your partner could ever hope for), I travelled to ten or so countries on a shoestring budget, I became in the best shape of my life, and  started this website that now reaches over 30,000 people per month across the globe.

I know that I normally do lengthy, value-dense posts about relationships and character development, but I wanted to use the end of the calendar year as an excuse to catch you up on what’s been going on behind the scenes (while simultaneously letting you know about some older posts that you might have missed along the way).

So without further adieu, here were this websites five most popular posts of 2013 (that you may or may not have read).


1. 7 Things All Women Need In A Relationship

This article takes the cake for most website traffic by far. Having only been posted a couple of weeks ago, it has attracted over 10,000 new visitors to my site (which is about 10% of my websites total traffic to give you some context).

I rattled off the article in a fairly last minute way just to make sure that I hit my personal goal of posting at least one article per week. Saying that I didn’t expect a huge reaction to this would be an understatement.

I believe what people responded to most in the article was my off-the-cuff and conversational tone of basically saying “I believe that men and women are very similar, but we have differences in what we deeply need in an intimate relationship”. The men’s equivalent didn’t do as well, but it gained a respectable number of visitors in the short time that it was live on the site.

2. The 3 Biggest Myths About Men

This was my first ever post to go semi-viral; the article attracted nearly 5,000 new visitors to my site in it’s first week- a time when it had received less than 50,000 visitors since it started up.

I am passionate about ending weakness-shaming for men, and it shows in this brief article. I plan on doing a lengthier post on ending slut-shaming in the near future, as this is something that I hold equally close to my heart.

3. How Ejaculating Too Much Drains You

According to Taoist sexual philosophy, when you refrain from ejaculating away your sexual energy, you can harness it for overall greater mental clarity and productivity. I have found this to be true and have consistently had my most productive sprints of work occur when I refrain from ejaculating more than a few times per month (note: according to Taoism, for women the reverse is true- more orgasms, more clarity and focus).

This article took off on StumbleUpon and Reddit (admittedly, before I even knew what Reddit was).

4. Why Nice Guys Should Finish Last

Inspired by a conversation with a client of mine, this rant against the ridiculously sexist notion that the  “nice guy” way of thinking even deserves to be talked about ended up being a pretty cool little piece.

It got picked up on The Good Men Project, and has consistently been in the top ten most viewed articles of the year.

5. 3 Ways To Open Your Woman Sexually

This sleeper-hit of an article only gained more popularity the older and wiser it became.

In many ways, ‘3 Ways’ was a pre-cursor to 7 Things All Women Need In A Relationship because it centres around the idea that women need to be mentally and emotionally penetrated just as much as they need to be physically penetrated by their partners (if not more so).


Honourable Mentions

1. Why She Should Never Be Your Equal

Still one of my favourite article titles (especially considering the content).

This was the first article of mine that was shared by over twenty women within it’s first week and gave me hope that I was onto something.

2. The Differences Between Boy And Man Psychology

A meaty post that I wrote on the plane coming back to my hometown after four months abroad.

I felt that I had made huge strides in terms of mental maturity and found myself pondering the question “What makes the difference between a boy and a man in terms of his character and his actions?”

3. 10 Ways To Be The Most Romantic Partner She’s Ever Had

One of my favourite pieces that I’ve written (that only came out a few days ago) thus far, and the response to it has been just as positive as I thought it would.

I want to continue to create value-dense posts that my readers are able to bookmark and come back to time after time; whenever they need an idea on how to break through a certain barrier in a relationship, or in this case, need to be sweet or romantic at a moments notice.

Thank You For Being A Part Of The Best Year Of My Life (So Far)

I can’t thank you enough for reading the words that you are right now; I will never take your attention for granted.

Whether you have liked, commented on, or shared one of my articles… purchased, enjoyed, or reviewed one of my books… or just casually glanced over a post or two and then went on your merry little way… I appreciate you.

You have seriously played a large part in making my dreams come true and it’s because of you that I get to help people throughout the world in exactly the way that I do.

If you feel so inclined, it would help me out a lot if you picked your favourite article from this list and shared it with some people that you love.

In less than a year of starting this website I’ve helped people get married, end abusive relationships, start working in their dream careers, and take their intimate relationships to their maximum potential– all from reading an article or two.

I’ve got big plans for 2014 (including, but not limited to: a video course, an audio program, another book, and more live speaking engagements).

I look forward to being able to serve you even better in the coming year and figuring out more and more what you enjoy reading/hearing/learning from me.

If there’s ever any way that I can help you, feel free to get in touch to let me know how (sign up below to email me directly).

Dedicated to your success,


Jordan Gray
About Jordan Gray

Jordan Gray has been a sex and relationship coach for over 15+ years, with his work reaching over 200 million people worldwide. His writing has been featured in Vogue, GQ, The New York Times, Cosmopolitan, Women’s Health, and countless other publications around the world. When he’s not working with 1-on-1 coaching clients or writing a new article, he’s most likely to be found reading, chopping wood, or spending time with his wife on a little island off the west coast of Canada.



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