Jun 16, 2014

3 Ways To Set Up Your Single Life For Success In Dating

It’s all too easy to blindly fumble around from dysfunctional relationship to dysfunctional relationship. But does that mean that that’s your only option?

There are things that you can do in the space between your relationships that will set you up for success in your love life.

Miss these, and you’ll find yourself in another relationship just as unfulfilling as your last few attempts.

Get these right, and you’ll find yourself in the healthiest, most emotionally fulfilling relationship you’ve ever been in.

Here are three ways to set up your single life for success in dating.

1. Spend Time With Friends That Expand You, Not Collapse You

Who do you currently spend your time with?

More importantly, how do you feel around the kinds of people that you currently spend your time with?

When it comes to the people in your life, you can mentally put them into one of two categories: friends that expand you, and friends that collapse you.

The friends that expand you are the ones that you feel like you can be your authentic self around. Not only is it easy to be around them, you get a high from being around them. They see and understand the essence of who you are and they encourage you to flourish. They get genuine satisfaction out of seeing you become who you were meant to be. They never keep score of when you mess up, and they are never jealous or resentful of you or your accomplishments. They truly want what’s best for you.

The friends that collapse you are the ones that you feel like you have to walk on eggshells around. You feel limited in the parts of your personality that you can express around them. Parts of you feel off limits or somehow wrong when you’re around them. When you’re around your friends that collapse you you feel like you’re constantly censoring and editing your internal dialogue (“I better not say the wrong thing… or what I actually think… because they’ve told me that I was wrong for showing that side of myself before.”).

Write up three separate lists of the people in your life that you currently spend your time around. At the top of each of the three lists write “Good”, “Better”, and “Best”.

Now slot all of your social acquaintances into each of these three categories. And remember, you’re slotting them into categories not filtering by the amount of time that you spend around these people, but rather how you feel when you’re around them.

In the “Good” section are your friends that make you collapse. Limit your time around these people as much as possible.

In the “Best” section are your friends that expand you and help you grow into your most authentic self. Get around these people as much as possible (as much as your schedules mutually allow) and consciously add value to their lives.

But why exactly is it good for your eventual dating life that you are doing this?

Because if you spend time around people that are only 40% good for you, then over time you will become only 40% of who you truly are. Which in turn will make you attract a partner that is only 40% aligned with what you need.

Conversely, if you are prioritizing your time to almost exclusively hang out with your friends that expand and energize you and make you >90% of who you most authentically are then you’ll be in the best position possible to attract a partner that is most aligned with who you truly are.

If you’re inauthentic because of your friends that limit you, you’ll attract someone that isn’t meant for you.

If you prioritize time with people who make you the most congruently you that you could ever be, you’ll attract your dream partner in no time.

2. Get Your Needs Met First

If you feel unhappy, unbalanced, and incomplete without a romantic partner in your life, then you’ll be prone to rushing into a relationship with partners that aren’t really meant for you.

Like a scuba diver who has just run out of air, you’ll wildly grasp for anyone else’s reserve line to breathe through. But this flailing, scarcity mindset is not serving you when it comes to setting the foundations for a healthy, long-term relationship.

In order to properly set your foundations for the best love life possible, you have to be complete in and of yourself before you start searching for a partner.

So what does this look like?

You have to have two things in place before you start looking for a partner: your self-esteem, and self-nurturing.

If you don’t have your self-esteem or any internal validation coming from within then you’ll latch on to the first person that even hints at stroking your ego. Someone will be impressed by you, and because (if you lack self-esteem) you’re so unimpressed with yourself, you will flock to them like a bee to honey.

Similarly, if you are barely able to self-nurture (bathe, cook for yourself, take downtime from work when you need it) then you’ll feel pulled to the first person that cooks you a meal.

My grandma once taught me that “A man needs to learn how to cook, otherwise he’ll marry the first woman he dates.”

So be complete first. Have your own pathways to self-esteem. Do stuff that makes you happy independently of being in a relationship. And learn to take care of yourself when others aren’t available to do it for you.

3. Take Responsibility Of Your Own Internal Wounds

Everyone has emotional baggage left over from their childhood, and from their past intimate relationships. If you don’t go searching through your mental attic and hold your internal drama up to the light then your unconscious patterns will continue to sabotage your intimate relationships in much the same way they have in the past.

Whether it’s jealousy, enmeshment, resentment, unmet emotional needs from your early relationship to your parents, or any other number of things that’s getting in the way of you experiencing a full spectrum of love, it’s worth looking into.

What Love Could You Be Holding Yourself Back From?

Four years ago I was in the most emotionally shut down phase of my entire life.

Still reeling from a devastating break up I was bouncing around between surface level relationships and feeling emotionally unfulfilled.

I remember so clearly waking up one day next to a typical party-going bar star and feeling frustrated with her presence. But I wasn’t upset with her at all.

I was upset with myself.

I was upset that I had let myself veer so far off of my personal path. The person lying next to me wasn’t flawed because they liked to party. I felt flawed because I had slowly become an incongruent version of myself that had attracted someone that I knew wasn’t right for me long-term. They were safe. And I was hiding.

So I went on a mission to get back to who I was at my core. And the first steps in that process are the ones that I’ve outlined for you in this article.

I spent time around good people. People that challenged me, and scared me, and could see straight through all of the half-lies I had become so adept at telling myself.

I got my own needs met independent of a relationship partner. I no longer desperately needed the validation of a woman’s arms because I put work into starting to like myself again.

And, while it was not my immediate intention, shortly after this period of intentionality I ended up entering one of the most emotionally fulfilling relationships of my entire life.

Dedicated to your success,


Jordan Gray
About Jordan Gray

Jordan Gray has been a sex and relationship coach for over 15+ years, with his work reaching over 200 million people worldwide. His writing has been featured in Vogue, GQ, The New York Times, Cosmopolitan, Women’s Health, and countless other publications around the world. When he’s not working with 1-on-1 coaching clients or writing a new article, he’s most likely to be found reading, chopping wood, or spending time with his wife on a little island off the west coast of Canada.



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