Jun 20, 2013

Three Questions That Will Guarantee You A Thriving Relationship

Before you can enter into a thriving relationship, you have to know who you are.

I mean REALLY know who you are.

If asked, could you list your values and goals to a stranger within the first minute of meeting them? If not, you might want to check inwards before you start searching for a partner.

The Three Questions

Women are attracted to directionality and drive in a partner. Someone who “knows himself” and is “going places in life”.

Unfortunately, most men do not take the time to slow down and self-reflect.

A lot of men go through their lives skipping between jobs, girlfriends, and a social life that isn’t actually aligned with themselves. They do this because they don’t know who they are or what their core values are.

If you don’t know how to properly check in with yourself and have a solid understanding of what you’re looking for, you will continue to aimlessly wander through your life with no direction and tons of unnecessary stress and anxiety.

The three questions a man must ask himself in life go as follows…

Who am I?

What is my mission in life?

Who will come with me on my journey?

Pay special attention to the sequence in which these questions appear.

The unfortunate part is that most men ask themselves these questions in the exact opposite order.

Imagine you start by looking for a girlfriend… you are happy for a bit until you realize that you want to spend your time outside of the bedroom doing something fulfilling with your life and so you start looking for a mission. But nothing obvious comes to mind because you never stopped to ask yourself who you were in the first place.

At this stage there is a total upheaval of your process and you realize that the life that you set out for yourself wasn’t aligned with who you were to begin with. So you end the relationship, leave your job, and end up feeling directionless.

So first you must know yourself. Then discover your unique mission in life. Then you must align everything in your life with your specific mission. Here’s how.

1. Who Am I?

– Write down ten of your most closely held values. What do you really care about? What would you (almost) gladly get punched in the stomach to defend in your life?

– What are you passionate about? If you’re unsure about this one, ask your closest friends and family members for their opinions. Keep looking into this until you find something that makes your heart race.

– Don’t just let your preferences pertain to the most obvious aspects of your personality… have preferences in the details. Everything that you do in your life is your art. The way that you dress, walk, communicate, order your meal, and exercise all pertain to the decisions you make about yourself in your daily life. Success in love and life do not boil down to one bold mode… they exist in the thousands of small decisions that you make every day.

2. What Is My Mission In Life?

– If you want to spend your life doing something fulfilling but you’re unsure where to look think about what people consistently compliment you on.

– If you had to commit to doing something for two hours a day for the rest of your life what would it be? What do you nerd out about on a regular basis? Musical theatre? Technology? Dungeons & Dragons? Find out a way to incorporate these things into your career or daily life.

– Think about the people that you spend the most time with. Do they support and encourage you? Are they on similarly passionate paths or are they constantly in victim mode and dragging you down? Life is too short to spend time with people that don’t want the best for you.

3. Who Will Come With Me?

– When my clients tell me that there are no good women in “Insert Any City Name” I always ask the same question… “Where have you been looking?”. The answer nine times out of ten is either “In bars/nightclubs” or “I haven’t been looking”. Don’t search for things where you wouldn’t want them anyways.

– If you know that you don’t want children and the girl that you’re dating definitely does, guess what… you aren’t compatible. Your honesty and integrity are the greatest things you will ever have so don’t settle on things that you know truly matter to you.

– As firm as you should be with your core values, don’t get into uber-masculine perfectionism and let a dream girl get away. Make sure to leave some flexibility in non-core issues. Does it really bother you that much that she doesn’t love camping?

Find Your Life, Find Your Wife

Directionality is vital in a man’s life. You won’t be able to find a fulfilling career or partner until you first know who you are and where you are going.

You either embrace the uniqueness of your journey and follow it with total courage, or you will be taken on a ride with other people’s decisions guiding your life.

In my opinion, the second option doesn’t sound much like living at all.

Dedicated to your success,


Jordan Gray
About Jordan Gray

Jordan Gray has been a sex and relationship coach for over 15+ years, with his work reaching over 200 million people worldwide. His writing has been featured in Vogue, GQ, The New York Times, Cosmopolitan, Women’s Health, and countless other publications around the world. When he’s not working with 1-on-1 coaching clients or writing a new article, he’s most likely to be found reading, chopping wood, or spending time with his wife on a little island off the west coast of Canada.



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