Character Development

4 Ways To Fully Receive Feminine Nourishment
Mar 29, 2021
Jordan Gray
4 Ways To Fully Receive Feminine Nourishment
Growing up, I experienced a lot of wounding with the feminine. Bullying, break ups, being emotionally decimated at my most vulnerable... At the age of 20, I felt like I'd had enough. I didn't want to be vulnerable with women anymore. I wanted to armour up. Shut them out. Punish them for how...
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I Used To Think That Men Who Got Married Were Idiots
Feb 25, 2021
Jordan Gray
I Used To Think That Men Who Got Married Were Idiots
I used to think that men who got married were idiots. Or, if they weren't idiots, they were at least undesirable enough that they just had to settle for whoever chose them... because why else would you tie yourself to someone for life if the reason weren't that you didn't have any other romantic options? I...
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Does Polyamory Ever Work?
Jan 28, 2021
Jordan Gray
Does Polyamory Ever Work?
Does polyamory ever work? I received the following letter from a reader the other day. "I’ve been struggling for the better part of several months dealing with leaving my ex for the second time (who came back early last year love bombing me for months, then completely shifting saying he wants to...
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3 Ways Men Energetically Castrate Themselves
Jan 11, 2021
Jordan Gray
3 Ways Men Energetically Castrate Themselves
For nearly any man, having their balls chopped off is one of the most terrifying scenarios imaginable. If you have a scrotum, just reading that probably made it flinch. But if it’s such a scary idea, then why do so many of us do it to ourselves every single day? To understand energetic castration,...
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How To Handle The Pain Of Sexual Rejection From Your Partner
Nov 28, 2020
Jordan Gray
How To Handle The Pain Of Sexual Rejection From Your Partner
Ever been sexually rejected by your partner? If you've ever been in a relationship that's lasted longer than six months, the answer would be yes. I recently got this email from a reader, and I decided to answer it in a long-form article, as I know that others would benefit from it. Here's the letter,...
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5 Steps To Working Through Entitlement In Relationships
Sep 30, 2020
Jordan Gray
5 Steps To Working Through Entitlement In Relationships
Intimate relationships are breeding grounds for entitlement to surface. And it's understandable that this theme would bubble up in certain partnerships. If we're being honest with ourselves, we all have an entitled child inside of us who wants life to be easier than it sometimes feels. Who would...
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The 4 Most Valuable Things My Therapists Ever Told Me
Sep 1, 2020
Jordan Gray
The 4 Most Valuable Things My Therapists Ever Told Me
Every single person on the planet would benefit from seeing a therapist at multiple points throughout their lives. Whether it's for navigating a significant transition (like leaving high school, entering the work force, first experience with death, getting married, becoming a parent, first major breakup...
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3 Things To Do About Fear Of Your Partner Dying
Aug 1, 2020
Jordan Gray
3 Things To Do About Fear Of Your Partner Dying
My partner Demetra and I have lived together for a little over a year. We are committed to each other. We talk about getting married in the not-so-distant future. And each time our relationship has gone a layer deeper, we have both had a corresponding layer of fear accompany it. "What if she...
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7 Ways NoFap Improves Your Relationship (And Your Life)
Jul 16, 2020
Jordan Gray
7 Ways NoFap Improves Your Relationship (And Your Life)
Think your chronic masturbation habit could be negatively impacting your relationship? Well, you may be right. And you’re also not alone. If you don’t spend much time on internet forums, you probably missed the millions of men who have already been sharing their struggles in love and sex, and...
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The 3 Biggest Obstacles Impeding Men's Development Today
Jun 15, 2020
Jordan Gray
The 3 Biggest Obstacles Impeding Men’s Development Today
If you’re a modern man, you’ve probably noticed how hard it can be to make real progress on your most significant goals. Do you feel like nothing is changing in your life, despite having good intentions? Or like you’re just crawling along in first gear, and not feeling enough traction or aliveness? Or...
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