Character Development

What I Learned At Five About Generosity
When I was in the first grade (5 years old)...
In our classroom, my teacher had this system called 'Good News Notes'.
Each student had a little manila envelope stuck to the wall, with their name on it.
Jordan. Ashley. Curtis. Jacqueline. Daniel. Philip.
These envelopes... lined up side by...
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Why Spiritual Awakening Is So Painful
In order to travel from a state of numbness to a state of joy and dynamic aliveness, you must first feel your way through all of the pain that you buried within.
When I truly started to engage in my deeper inner work, I cried daily for a period of 8 months.
There were days (maybe weeks?) where I felt...
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7 Of My Favourite Things That Make My Life Better
Over the last 10+ years of my writing reaching over 100 million people all around the world, I've been asked a lot of questions.
What's my favourite sex toy, favourite cologne, favourite non-toxic dish soap, etc. etc....
Well today, I won't be talking about any of those things.
But I will be...
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I Had Sex With Over 300 Women, And Then Got Married
Between the ages of 16-30, I had well over 300 sexual partners.
At a certain point, I stopped counting... but my best guess would be somewhere between 330-380.
When I've told select friends this, they are often amazed. How does someone even rack up those kinds of numbers?
In reality, I was absolutely...
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‘Why Am I Still Single?’ 5 Reasons + What To Do About It
One of the most common questions that I get from people sounds something like…
“I’ve been single for so long even though I deeply want a relationship. What gives?”
Over the last 15+ years of working with thousands of clients, I’ve noticed some patterns.
Here are five reasons that people stay single...
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How To Not Feel Like Roommates
Over the last 15 years of working with people on their relationships full-time, one of the most common sets of questions I get is around 'How do I bring the spark back to my relationship that sometimes feels like we're just roommates with responsibilities?'
And this is a valid question.
As the...
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101 Things I Love About My Wife
Today is my wife's 30th birthday.
Happy birthday Demetra!
And so, to celebrate, aside from the usual presents and cards and cuddles (which she is also getting), I decided to write down some things that I love about her.
If you've been following her work for any length of time, many of these...
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How I Met My Wife
In October of 2017, a 24 year old university student, with two names that I wouldn't dare to try to pronounce upon reading them, hired me for a coaching session through my website.
When we hopped on the call, she seemed to be someone who was wanting to break free from doing what she was told was the...
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How To Rest (A Guide For Type-A People)
For as long as I can remember... I've always been a bit of a high-strung workaholic.
On one occasion, I worked myself into total burnout - where I could barely stand for more than a few seconds without feeling dizzy. And mustering up the energy to walk to the sink to pour and drink a glass of water...
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Exploit These 3 Cognitive Biases To Fall More Deeply In Love
Everybody needs love and connection. It has been repeatedly proven to be the biggest defining factor in long-term happiness.
In an 80-year-long study, scientists at Harvard University tracked 268 students as they carried on their journeys—hoping to collect hard data on what really makes a great, satisfying...
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