
How To Be A Beast In Bed – Connect With Your Inner Beast (Pt. 1)
Want to have more energy, feel less stress day to day, and have your significant other respond to you like she did when you first started dating?
If there's one thing that being a relationship coach has taught me over the past decade it's this… every guy has some sexual insecurity.
Whether it's...
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Why Entrepreneurs Need To Invest In Their Relationships
How many books have you read in the past year on business?
Have that number in your mind? Alright, hold on to that.
Now, how many books have you read on intimacy and relationships?
If the number is more than a 2:1 ratio in favour of business books, you might want to seriously re-consider your...
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10 Tips For Having Stress Free First Dates
Let's face it… dating can be awkward and nerve-racking, especially when it comes to first dates.
The two of you arrange to meet in a public setting to casually feel each other out and see if you want to continue spending more time with each other past the original meeting.
You can stumble in to...
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Does An Equal Marriage Equal Less Sex? Not Quite…
Recent research has shown that the more equal and fair couples are in their partnership the less sex they have.
The more the man does what are considered to be more feminine chores, the happier she says she is with him as a partner, but the less sexually desirable she finds him.
But is this really...
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Start Slow To Make Your Relationship Last
We live in a world of instant gratification.
Want this package shipped across the country by tomorrow? $20.
Want to eat some delicious bacon? Microwave this for five seconds and voila!
Want to find true love? You can find a partner by next weekend.
But can the speed at which we rush into...
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An Open Love Letter To Women’s Bodies
Losing my virginity took less than a minute.
I was so mesmerized by the beauty, openness, and curves of my girlfriend that I felt overwhelmed.
Every curve of her body begging to have my hands on them.
Every patch of skin that I touched softer than the last.
Her eyes staring into my soul with...
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8 Powerful Exercises To Increase Your Masculine Energy
Want to feel raw masculine energy coursing through your veins?
Maybe you have an important date tonight.
Maybe you have an important project to complete.
Maybe you want to bring back the spark to the bedroom.
Whatever your reason, levelling up your masculine energy is simple when you know...
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7 Facts About Sex, Love, and Attraction That You Need To Know
Before studying attraction and human sexuality I found myself judging people a lot.
When people cheated, I found no empathy in my heart for them.
When men wouldn't settle down with women who were clearly amazing for them, I dismissed them as non-committers point blank.
When people complained...
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The Most Challenging 48 Hours Of My Life (A Year In Review)
I was at one of the lowest points of my life a year and a half ago…
I was depressed, unfulfilled, and having frequent panic attacks.
I was in a relationship that drained me, a job that I resented, and felt incongruent with who I was and what I was doing.
One morning, I woke up and decided that...
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7 Things All Men Need In A Relationship
Men are often reluctant to talk about their deepest needs in intimate relationships.
Whether social conditioning or an inability to communicate our needs are to blame, men (who tend to be the less communicative partners in intimate relationships) are prone to silently suffering when their emotional...
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