
7 Things All Women Need In A Relationship
Dec 9, 2013
Jordan Gray
7 Things All Women Need In A Relationship
When it comes to what women need in a relationship, men and women are at an emotional stalemate. We feel something lacking in our relationships. The majority of modern men aren't able to penetrate their women fully, nor are women fully opening to their men. Women aren't opening because men aren't giving...
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7 Exercises To Increase Your Sexual Stamina
Nov 20, 2013
Jordan Gray
7 Exercises To Increase Your Sexual Stamina
Every man wants to be a better lover. For many men, the thought of being unable to provide a lasting and deeply fulfilling sexual experience for his partner is something that causes stress and anxiety. You want to give the kind of sexual performance that has you hoping she’ll brag about it to her friends...
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Striving vs. Contentment - How To Be Driven And Happy At The Same Time
Nov 18, 2013
Jordan Gray
Striving vs. Contentment – How To Be Driven And Happy At The Same Time
How do you find a balance between striving for greatness and finding contentment in the present moment? Striving, or whatever you want to call it- being driven, yearning, reaching for the stars- comes at a cost if you don't balance it with enjoying what you have already achieved. Whether you are...
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How Ejaculating Too Much Drains You
Oct 30, 2013
Jordan Gray
How Ejaculating Too Much Drains You
Your sexual energy is the greatest and most potent form of energy available to you. You can either squander it or utilize it to its fullest potential and let it supercharge your life. Anecdotal evidence and emerging studies suggest that having fewer orgasms could make you into a more productive,...
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How To Dial Up The Sexual Polarity In Your Relationship
Oct 28, 2013
Jordan Gray
How To Dial Up The Sexual Polarity In Your Relationship
Alright, buckle up. I'm going to paradigm shift how you perceive your intimate relationships for the rest of your life. There's this thing called sexual polarity. Basically, it works just like a magnet… in the way that opposites attract. This is how humans work too (with masculine and feminine...
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The 3 Timeless Laws Of Attraction
Oct 16, 2013
Jordan Gray
The 3 Timeless Laws Of Attraction
Humans are fairly predictable creatures. Because of this, we crave a sense of differentiation. We all want to be unique. We want to feel special. We want to believe that the rules that apply to all people don’t automatically apply to us. But you know something… It's okay to be human. And...
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How To Know If She Is The Right One For You
Sep 11, 2013
Jordan Gray
How To Know If She Is The Right One For You
The intimate relationship that you choose to be in will be the single most important decision you ever make in your life. It will affect your health, your finances, and your emotional well-being more than almost any other decision you will make. So why do some people rush into it so haphazardly…...
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3 Ways To Open Your Woman Sexually
Aug 26, 2013
Jordan Gray
3 Ways To Open Your Woman Sexually
Does your partner initiate sex less often than she used to? Are the two of you fighting over insignificant things? Has she been less emotionally and sexually available recently? All of these problems stem back to the same issue… Your sex life has gone stale. While men are opened by sexual...
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5 Changes To Make In Your Environment To Improve Your Life
Aug 21, 2013
Jordan Gray
5 Changes To Make In Your Environment To Improve Your Life
Is your environment bringing you down? Your environment has a huge impact on your health, happiness, and your relationships. The physical clutter around you… the people you choose to spend most of your time with… the sounds that fill your ears… they all have large-scale measurable effects on you. Our...
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Half A Dozen Hacks For A Thriving Sex Life
Aug 5, 2013
Jordan Gray
Half A Dozen Hacks For A Thriving Sex Life
Sex is everywhere except in sex in western society. Magazine ads, billboards, and mainstream media shove sex in our faces on a daily basis but it's still somewhat shameful to discuss sex publicly.  As a byproduct of the commercialization of sex to sell soft drinks, deodorant, and video games, the...
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