Jun 27, 2017

Your Value Is Not Your Body

Your value is not your body.

Your value is not tied in to how well you make love.

Your value is not your gorgeous ass, or your perfect lips, or your perfect hair.

Your value is not your fancy adornments, or biceps, or the lack of or presence of a thigh gap.

Your value is not in your weight, shape, or physicality.

Your value can not be measured on a scale.

Your value is not currently, and has never been, so one-dimensional.

While your body is beautiful and valuable as it is right now in this very moment… your value is so much more than just a body.

You have a beautiful soul.

You have lived through things and come out stronger on the other end.

You have access to a powerful ‘No.’ You set boundaries willingly and with care. You are a force to be reckoned with.

You have a depth of love in your eyes that can bring others to tears.

You have helped others to heal some of the deepest parts of themselves, whether you know it or not.

You have an ability to peer into people’s souls. You help people feel seen, supported, and cared for regularly.

You have the kind of earned wisdom and resilience that can only come from real life experience.

You have an innate ability to call people into their potential… into their hearts… more fully into their lives.

You have accomplished, loved, and lived a lot in your life, even if you forget it sometimes.

You are so, so much more than just a body.

And I hope that you never forget it.

Dedicated to your success,


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