Jul 23, 2024

9 Powerful Ways To Make Giving A Blowjob Go Faster

Want to make giving a blowjob go faster?

Ever found yourself checking the clock, wishing you could hurry things up without sacrificing your partner’s experience?

You’re far from alone. In fact, many women feel the same.

Sometimes you’re tired but you still want to be sexual with your man.

Other times, you might just not have as long of a sex-session in you.

And then there are times when you both legitimately only have a few minutes to make something happen.

Well, imagine ending a blowjob feeling just as relaxed and rejuvenated as your partner does receiving it.

Today, I’ll share nine powerful techniques that will make giving blowjobs quicker and easier, ensuring you save energy while still providing great pleasure.

9 Sexy Ways To Make Giving Him A Blowjob Go Faster

how to make a blowjob go faster, how to make giving a blowjob go faster, make giving a blowjob go faster, making giving a blow job go faster, make giving a blowjob go faster

1. Warm him up correctly

One of the simplest ways you can make the actual blowjob portion of the session go faster is to make sure that you properly warm him up. You know, good ol’ fashioned foreplay!

Just like you would likely orgasm faster if you were thoroughly touched, teased, and worked into a frenzy for a full hour before someone stimulating your vulva directly, so too does your man also benefit from a little teasing before the main event.

Your foreplay could look like kissing, cuddling, outside of the pants or underwear manual stimulation.

The two main things you want to focus on are a) taking your time with it (what’s the rush? He’s only getting more excited with time), and b) touching his whole body.

It’s a mistake to dive in and only focus on his genitals. In order to make the experience drastically more pleasurable for him (and infinitely easier on your mouth, jaw, and neck), you want to wake up his entire body by touching it with your hands.

Run your hands over his arms, legs, and torso. Run your fingers over his inner thighs. Touch him all over, and take your time with it.

Again, this makes the experience that much more powerful for him, and it gets him squirming with anticipation (making the job part of your blowjob far more manageable).

2. Get in the position that is most comfortable for you

Even if you utilize every single one of the tips on this page and the blowjob only takes you a couple of minutes to do, it is still important that you are maximally comfortable in the position that you put yourself in.

Why? Because nothing interrupts the momentum like a cramped forearm, a stiff jaw, or a tight neck.

So do yourself a favor ahead of time, and get into the position that is the absolute most comfortable one for you.

That could be lying on his side and leaning over his torso. That could be you on your knees (on a pillow) just off the side of the bed. Or it could be you sitting in a chair with him standing in front of you.

Whatever position makes you the most comfortable, that’s the one you should be defaulting to.

If you’re not sure which position is the most comfortable for you, try some until you find one that works for you. You can also take inspiration from my articles The 8 Sexiest Positions For Blowjobs, and The 18 Sexiest Handjob Positions To Blow His Mind.

3. Make it wet

When it comes to blowjobs and handjobs, lubrication is your friend. Either by using a lot of your saliva, or finding a flavored lube that you adore and using that.

Women are often surprised to learn just how much tolerance men have for what seems like way too much wetness.

But as a general rule, the wetter the better.

With more lubrication in the mix, he gets to rest easy knowing that he will be experiencing zero moments of dry friction, and he also gets to feel the fluid dripping down parts of his body, which in itself can be highly arousing.

So, if you’re a naturally gifted salivate-er try not swallowing any of your saliva for your next few blowjobs and see how he responds. And if you’re not a big salivate-er (or you’re just feeling particularly dehydrated one day), try out a few different flavored lubes until you find one you adore. Slobbering all over a penis is that much more fun when it legitimately tastes like your favorite candy or dessert!

4. Focus more on the head of his penis

The head of his penis contains the majority of his pleasure receptors, so focus on that to make the session go faster.

But first, a quick caveat. Just like a clitoris can enjoy more direct and more intense stimulation when nearing orgasm versus at the very beginning of being touched, so it is with the head of the penis.

So you might not want to give it all of the attention in the first third of the experience, but focus more on teasing. But once things get going, you can give a lot of attention to the top third of the penis and it will make him climax far quicker than if you focused on the lower third of his shaft.

When I say you want to focus more on the head, I mean both with your mouth and/or your hands. Once a man is sufficiently aroused, a wet hand feels just as good as the inside of a mouth.

5. Use a tighter grip

Many women are surprised by how tightly they can grip when stimulating their man’s penis.

Again, this is especially relevant in the back-half of the blowjob experience.

You might want to opt for a lighter touch and more teasing in the first half of the blowjob, but once it’s clear that he’s in the home stretch and getting closer to coming, you can likely use double the intensity of stimulation than you think you can, and it’ll make him finish far faster.

(Want to learn how to fall in love with giving blowjobs? Check out this bonus video interview featuring my wife and I, from our Queen of Blowjobs program, on this exact topic.)

6. Let your hands do most of the work

Look, I get it…

It’s called a blow job. Even the name itself focuses heavily on the mouth.

In truth, you can give a blowjob using 90% wet hands and 10% mouth, and he’ll barely notice the difference.

If you are prone to neck tension, jaw tension, or cramping up from propping yourself up in the position you’re in, you can likely save yourself a ton of effort and trouble by simply getting in a position where it’s easy to use your hands, and then lean heavily on your hands.

Again, you want to make sure that your hands are sufficiently lubricated, because yes, dry hands will not be nearly as pleasurable. But if his penis is being predominantly stimulated by your hands and only occasionally by your mouth, I guarantee you’ll be able to give him a much faster blowjob because of the amount of grip and intensity that your hands can deliver as opposed to just using your mouth.

7. Go faster

Another simple tip in order to make giving a blowjob go faster is to speed up your intensity.

Now obviously, your head can only go back and forth (or up and down) at a certain pace. But this is where your hands come in… handy.

With a tight, lubricated grip around his penis, you can kick his arousal into overdrive by simply picking up the pace of what you’re doing.

Again, this works especially well when you do it in the back half of the blowjob. If you begin with a faster pace, he could feel rushed and need to slow down in order to feel more again. But if you speed up your stimulation in the back-half, boy howdy… I hope you’ve closed the windows beforehand because the neighbours are going to wonder why he’s screaming so loudly.

8. Make sounds

Another key way to make giving a blowjob go faster is to use your mouth. But not in the obvious way.

If your man is with you, there’s a fairly good chance that he loves your voice.

So make sounds! Moan, make sounds, and (if you’re feeling brave) throw in a little dirty talk.

Not sure where to start with what to say? Check out my article Blowjob Dirty Talk: 55 Sexy Things To Say While Giving Head.

9. Make sure to include his balls and/or anus

While the penis definitely gets the majority of the attention in a blowjob, it’s important to not forget the rest of his genitals.

Yes, I’m primarily referring to his friends downstairs, the testicles.

Most men’s testicles are exquisitely sensitive, and also feel really good when touched.

Some men enjoy having their balls touched throughout a blowjob, and other men mainly prefer them to be touched more in the back half of the blowjob when they’re feeling more aroused. So make sure you know your partner’s preferences by asking him.

And for extra credit, you can also manually stimulate his anus with your hands, as the anus is another highly sensitive erogenous zone (on both men and women). This isn’t something you should just spring on him, so make sure you know that your partner is generally on board with anal stimulation before venturing there for the first time.

How To Make Giving A Blowjob Go Faster

In summary, in order to make giving a blowjob go faster, you want to:

Tease, tease, tease before getting started to get him all worked up…

Use your well-lubricated hands a lot in the first half and through the middle…

And then pull out all of the stops and up your intensity when you’re nearing the climax.

Do these three things, and you’ll astound yourself with how much faster (and more powerfully) your man starts climaxing.

Also, if you want to hear my absolute best blowjob tips, check out my online course, Queen of Blowjobs.

My wife Demetra and I created it together recently and over 1,000+ women from all around the world have gone through it and seen amazing results.

You can check it out by clicking here. You, and your man, will be glad you did.

Dedicated to your success,


Jordan Gray
About Jordan Gray

Jordan Gray has been a sex and relationship coach for over 15+ years, with his work reaching over 200 million people worldwide. His writing has been featured in Vogue, GQ, The New York Times, Cosmopolitan, Women’s Health, and countless other publications around the world. When he’s not working with 1-on-1 coaching clients or writing a new article, he’s most likely to be found reading, chopping wood, or spending time with his wife on a little island off the west coast of Canada.



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