Dec 4, 2015

Jordan's Top 10 Sex & Relationship Articles Of 2015

Happy almost 2016!

Today, I want to do something a little bit different.

This is a round up of all of the best articles I’ve written over the past year.

I did something like this two years ago, and I thought it was time to bring it back.

So without further ado…

Here are my top ten most popular articles from the past year.

#1 – How To Cultivate Light And Dark Sexual Energy

This article

was definitely one of the most personal pieces that I wrote this year.

I originally wrote this article as the outline for a live talk that I gave in October 2015 and so it’s better organized (story-wise) than most things that I release on my site. It seemed to resonate with people en masse because this article and the one that follows it (#2 of this list) were responsible for filling up my inbox with hundreds of messages.

Want to learn how to soften and relax into the moment in bed with your partner? Or, do you want to learn how to be a more dominant, masculine-associated beast? This article covers the best of both worlds.

Check it out if you haven’t already read it, and you’ll learn a lot more about my childhood, dating history, and sex life than you probably ever wanted to know.

#2 – The One Thing To Remember When You’re Dealing With Any Person, Ever

Halfway through the year I decided that I was going to start writing on a slightly wider variety of topics, and experimenting with different article formats.

This article was the first of a series in that experiment and the response was overwhelmingly positive.

This piece is a true-to-life snapshot of an experience that I had in a coffee shop near my house.

I’d been wanting to write something on the more global level about kindness for a while (i.e. not just being kind to your significant other but being kind to every person you meet in general) and I felt that this story from my life encapsulated my thoughts well.

This was easily one of the most shared articles of mine from the whole year. Check it out if you haven’t already. Fair warning: you might tear up a little bit.

#3 – 5 Sex Toys That Every Couple Should Own (Seriously)

Out of this entire list, I would say that I’m the most surprised with how well this article did and how far it spread.

Generally speaking, my raunchiest sex-related articles get a TON of social media clicks and put a lot of private messages in my inbox, but they don’t get shared that much (presumably because people don’t want to be sharing articles about sex toys on their Facebook walls when they know that their grandma will see it). So when this one blew up on and off social media, it was more than a little bit surprising.

My best guess (aside from it being a really useful guide) was that it likely was received as well as it was because I wrote it while I was in a really good mood and you can feel the playfulness sprinkled throughout the piece.

Want to spice things up in your sex life? Looking to try something new? This article gives lots of fresh ideas via the five essential sex toys that resonate with people of all walks of life and all levels of sexual experience.

Check it out! And if you’re feeling adventurous, pick something up for you and your partner as a Christmas/Valentine’s/birthday gift.

#4 – A 23 Point Love Contract To Bulletproof Your Relationship

I originally wrote this as an original set of vows that I would want to say to my girlfriend. Then it turned a bit more poem-y, and I decided to publish it as a standalone article. It resonated with people a lot more than I expected to, and it got syndicated across a few other websites.

So whether you’re looking for some wedding vow inspiration or you just want to feel some warm and fuzzies, you can check it out here.

#5 – 5 Things I Had To Overcome To Find My Dream Woman

Through all of 2014, I hyper focused on my self-love process. I wanted to date and fall in love with myself. And I did, to the greatest degree thus far in my life (this is still a process, as it always will be).

And, for what felt like a reward for my efforts, I attracted the most aligned intimate partner of my life.

In this piece, I talk about the biggest obstacles that I had to tackle, challenge, and largely overcome in order to meet and attract someone that was such a good fit for me. A lot of my readers/followers/clients saw themselves and their own struggles in this article, so it might resonate with you as well.

#6 – How To Fuck Like You Give A Fuck

This is the first time I’ve ever put a swear word in one of my article headlines, and I decided to go with two. Because, you know, go big or go home.

I’ve had people comment on my semi-clickbait-y headlines in the past, and my rule has always been the same. As long as the article content pays off (i.e. it’s valuable and well presented) then I have no problem pushing the envelope with my headlines.

At the time, this was one of my favourite sex related articles I’d ever written, and I still love it.

It starts off with awesome analogies and deep dives into two of the most important things that men can bring to the bedroom. You can check that one out by clicking here.

#7 – In Praise Of Emotionally Strong Women

I wrote this post while going through an emotionally challenging time this year.

One of my unique emotional wounds that I’ve put a lot of work into is being able to be fully, 100% emotionally vulnerable with women. And while going through this period, my girlfriend held me through many dark and trying days. She held me through my tears, fears, and shame wounds, and she helped me unravel so much of myself. The entire process was such a gift that I wrote an article about how much I appreciated her, and all of the magnificent women like her across the world.

This was one of my most shared article by women of the entire year, and for good reason. You can check it out here (and share it with a friend if you enjoy it).

#8 – 3 Insanely Powerful Sex Exercises For Men

Of all of the sex articles in this top ten list (of which there are five) this is the one that I was the most surprised to see do as well as it did. Not because it isn’t good (it is), but simply because almost any of my ‘exercises’ based articles never spread that far. My assumption? People want quicker sounding solutions than things that tell you that you need to do exercises in the headline. But I digress.

All three of the exercises in this piece are more on the ‘internal’ side of the spectrum. That is to say, they are less performance based and more presence based exercises.

If you haven’t read it, you can check it out here.

#9 – Dirty Talk: The Ultimate Guide For Beginners

Out of all of the ten posts on this list, this was the one that as I was in the process of writing it I knew “Oooooh boy… this one is going to do well!” And it did! So that was fun. I felt like a psychic for a day.

There have been a handful of times over the past few years of writing online where several of my readers ask me the same question over the course of a few weeks, and when I eventually go to check the good ol’ internet to see if other people have already written on it well, I am absolutely floored with how lacking the top-ranked articles are. This was one of those posts. My jaw dropped when I saw what advice was out there regarding dirty talk. I thought to myself “I can absolutely write something 10x better than this.” That might sound arrogant, but I believed it. And I really, really like this piece.

If you’ve liked any of my writing over the last year, then your brain probably works somewhat similarly to my brain and therefore you’ll likely enjoy this article.

You can check it out here. Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or advanced level dirty talker, there’s something for everyone in this article.

#10 – How To Write A Love Letter That Will Make Them Cry

This article is one of my more classic ‘how-to-be-an-amazing-romantic-partner’ posts, and people really seemed to enjoy it. This post is from earlier in the year, before I started writing more on sex, books, personal stories, kindness, and communication more frequently.

If you want to write your sweetie a love letter for a birthday, anniversary, holiday, or any special occasion, you can learn how to do so here.

Bonus Round!

So those are the top ten articles as voted by you (the readers) for the year of 2015.

And for those of you who are newer to following my work, here’s a little bonus round.

The most frequently purchased book of mine this year was Keep Her Captivated which you can find as a PDF here, and on Amazon here.

The most frequently purchased book that I recommend was The Mastery Of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz.

And my most frequently purchased video course was Supercharge Your Sex Life.

There you have it! 2015, a year in review.

I hope you’ve enjoyed my writing this year and that I’ve brought value to your life.

If you’re on my mailing list, feel free to send me any ideas you have for things that you’d like to see me write on in the future.

Dedicated to your success,


Ps. The following articles didn’t come out in 2015, but they were some of the most popular in terms of total shares and views. Check any of these out if they interest you!

– How To Finally Get Over Your Ex (Even If It Feels Impossible)

– 10 Questions To Ask To Go Deep In Your Relationship

– 7 Things All Women Need In A Relationship

– 6 Connection Exercises For Couples To Build Intimacy

– How To Strengthen Your Penis For Better Sex (5 Tips)

Jordan Gray
About Jordan Gray

Jordan Gray has been a sex and relationship coach for over 15+ years, with his work reaching over 200 million people worldwide. His writing has been featured in Vogue, GQ, The New York Times, Cosmopolitan, Women’s Health, and countless other publications around the world. When he’s not working with 1-on-1 coaching clients or writing a new article, he’s most likely to be found reading, chopping wood, or spending time with his wife on a little island off the west coast of Canada.



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