Sep 2, 2024

15 Hot Places To Give A Blowjob & Blow His Mind (Photos)

Looking for some hot, kinky, naughty places to give a blowjob? You’ve come to the right place.

Sexual intimacy isn’t just about what you do – it’s also about where you do it.

Changing the setting can add excitement and a sense of shared adventure that brings you closer together. Whether it’s a private, cozy spot you both love or a spontaneous place that sparks a sense of spontaneous thrill, the following fifteen locations are all about creating unforgettable moments that deepen your connection (and blow him away).

He’s guaranteed to never forget experiences like these with you. These core memories will be stored in his mind for life and he’ll be mentioning them for years to come!

15 Sexy Places To Give Him A Blowjob & Blow His Mind

Without further ado, here are fifteen super naughty places to give him a blowjob that he won’t soon forget.

1. In a drive-through car wash

blowjob locations, sexy blowjob locations, hot places to give a blowjob, car wash blowjob, blowjob in a car wash

Is there a drive-through car wash near where you live? If so, you’re in luck!

Going through a drive-through car wash can be the perfect place to give him a quick blowjob.

To ensure it goes well, there’s a few things you’ll want to keep in mind.

First, you know your man better than anyone. Do you think he’ll have an easier time quickly having an orgasm if you tell him about it ahead of time or if you just spring it on him? Think about it, and then do that. Either tell him or don’t tell him, and then carry it out.

Second, if there are different lengths of car wash options (think: deluxe), go for the longer/premium/up-sell ones so you have just a bit more time to do what you’re planning on doing.

And finally, make sure he’s super horny going into it. Depending on his age, health, and overall libido, if he just came the night before, he might not have the sex drive needed to cum that quickly (generally, in 3-5 minutes).

For bonus points: wear an outfit that you know he loves.

Believe me, he’ll be talking about this experience for years to come. Super hot visual memories like this don’t just get filed away like last year’s taxes. They get stored in the front-of-mind, this-is-super-important-and-wow-do-I-ever-have-the-best-partner-ever category.

2. In a hot tub

hot tub blowjob, blowjob in a hot tub

If you own a hot tub, or have access to a local spa that you can book out for yourselves, then hot tub blowjobs are an absolute home run.

You’re both slippery, wet, sweaty, and naked (or close to naked). What’s not to like?

Have him sit on the side of the tub so that his manhood is just out of the water, swim up to him, and make his night.

And if you happen to simultaneously have one of those calf-level jets spraying you, underwater, in a place that feels great for you, then hey, everyone wins.

3. In a department store changing room

changing room blowjob, blowjob in a changing room

This one can require a little bit of planning and forethought, but it’s super sexy if you can get it to work.

Things to avoid: super popular, super modern stores (that tend to have a lot of staff, a lot of foot traffic, and security cameras everywhere).

Things to seek out: less popular, non-peak time, low-tech, non-holiday, older store and/or a place where the staff just leave you alone.

If you tell the staff that you don’t need any help (whatsoever) and you look like you’re really just taking over his shopping experience, some clerks will give you a ton of space, and you’ll have more than enough time to do the deed.

Just make sure to have him keep making sounds with the clothes (in case anyone is listening from afar), and periodically take him out of your mouth and say things like, ‘Oh wow, this one fits you so well. Try it on with the other belt again…’

4. In the shower

shower blowjob, blowjob in a shower

Depending on which shower you use, this one (potentially) has less public risk factor, but it’s still just as hot.

Just like the hot tub blowjob, but more dynamic, because you can choose who is in the water and how much.

The standard position that won’t have you spitting out mouthfuls of water is to just have the water hit and rundown his back. If you want more of an immersive/messy experience, you can have the water run down his front, but be forewarned that you’ll get lots of water splatter on your face, and/or mouthfuls of water you’ll be spitting out. It’s entirely up to you what kind of effect you’re going for, and how warm/cold you want to be.

For women who don’t love swallowing cum, this location is ideal because you can have him cum on your body and then quickly wash it off (you’re already in a shower – woohoo!), or you can just covertly spit it down the drain and the water will effortlessly whisk it away. Oh, what a time to be alive!

5. On a balcony

balcony blowjob, giving a blowjob on a balcony, places to give a blowjob

If you live in an apartment building and on a floor that isn’t the ground floor, this sexy blowjob location might be available to you. And if it isn’t, you can always rent a hotel room with a spacious balcony.

Depending on the intensity of the voyeur-factor in each of you, you’ll want to be on a higher floor to feel less exposed or closer to the ground floor to be more exposed.

This blowjob location is sexy because there’s such a vast amount of exposure (I mean, people could be looking at you from any angle) and you’re able to increase or decrease that proximity of exposure through a variety of means.

You can have him sit on a chair and be closer to the floor so you’re both less exposed. You can drape a blanket over top of yourself so that you’re just a bobbing mound of fabric. He can stand up with his hands resting on the railing for more exposure. The possibilities are endless!

6. Under the night sky

blowjob under the night sky, blowjob in a truck

If you live somewhere with access to a lot of wide open space (field, side of the highway, etc.), this one’s for you.

You can do it in the back of a truck. You can bring a blanket, lay it on the ground, and blow him while he lies down on his back. Make it as cozy and private, or naked, raw, and public as you wish.

If you live in a more rural area and feel like you can easily get away with it, I highly recommend both of you be fully naked. There’s something primal and animalistic about being sexual while out in nature. It feels less risky and naughty, and more deeply human about it. Bonus points if his bare feet are on the ground and your knees are too. We could all use a bit more direct contact with the earth in our lives.

If you want to be the girlfriend/wife/lover of a lifetime, surprise him at the end of the blowjob by busting out a surprise bag/thermos with his favorite drink in it. Hot chocolate, tea, beer. Whatever he’s into. Surprise him with it afterwards (without him knowing you had that surprise on deck) and be prepared to not do any dishes, vacuuming, or household chores for the next month. And if you happen to stumble into any lions, tigers, or bears on the way home, just watch how quickly your man leaps into action to slay that beast in order to protect you.

7. On a boat

blowjob on a boat, boat blowjob

Do you have a boat? Have a friend who has a boat? Live somewhere where you can easily rent a boat? Then this blowjob location is also a total winner.

There’s something super sexy about being sexual while out on the open seas. And it works whether you do it in the day time or night time.

Just make sure you’re far away enough from the marina before you begin. You don’t want to go fishing for his one-eyed, purple-headed trouser-trout before you have a safe distance from other boating enthusiasts.

8. In front of a camera

blowjob in front of a camera, filming a blowjob at home

I’ve written extensively before about making homemade porn, and this bears its own section of this article.

By deciding to film a blowjob at home, you get the (totally controlled) feeling of being watched, while not actually needing to involve anyone else.

Get yourselves a camera, some basic lighting, choose where you’re going to do it and what angle you’re going to film from, and then hit record. Not only will the moment itself be super hot, but your man will have a souvenir that he can jerk off to in the future. It’s the gift that keeps on giving!

(Want to learn how to fall in love with giving blowjobs? Check out this bonus video interview featuring my wife and I, from our Queen of Blowjobs program, on this exact topic.)

9. While camping in a tent

camping blowjob, blowjob while camping, blowjob in a tent

Who doesn’t love camping? Some people. (Like me.) But many people love it, hence why I’m including it in this list.

If you and your man love the great outdoors, then of all of the various places to give a blowjob, this will likely be a favorite of yours.

If you’re in a more populated campground and want more privacy, then you can do it quietly in the tent. And if you don’t really have many people in your general vicinity, then you can just do it while camping (for example, in front of your campfire). Just make sure it isn’t mosquito season where you are.

10. On a Ferris wheel

ferris wheel blowjob, blowjob on a ferris wheel

So, obviously this one requires some caveats.

I’m definitely not suggesting you go down to the town fair in the middle of the day and get down and dirty for all to see.

But if you haven’t been on a Ferris wheel (now often called observation wheels) in a few years, you might be surprised to learn that modern versions are much larger than the traditional Ferris wheel, and they’re also often enclosed. Sometimes they even have tinted windows, and they run late into the night.

So if you live somewhere (or vacation somewhere) where there’s a large observation wheel, and you go on a slow, less popular weekday, at night (when it’s dark), you and your man can have a lot of fun in the minutes it takes to do a full loop. Especially when you time it so that they offload all the people, one by one, ahead of you.

11. On the back of a chartered bus

blowjob on a bus, blowjob on a chartered bus

This might sound impossible to pull off, but I can assure you it’s actually much more doable than you’d think.

Like many other ‘riskier’ places to give a blowjob in this last, there’s some things you want to take into consideration.

Things you want to avoid: packed buses/busy routes. Daytime hours. Super frequent stops. Sitting in the middle or front of the bus. Moaning loudly or doing anything to draw unnecessary attention to yourselves.

Things you want to optimize for: night time/overnight routes. Less popular/fewer people. Sitting at the very back of the bus only. Larger stretches of time between stops.

If you line up these things in your favor, you’d be surprised at how totally do-able it is.

Just make sure that if there’s a bathroom next to you (the bathroom is often at the very back of chartered buses), your man knows that it’s his responsibility to keep his eyes open the entire time, and if anyone stands up and looks like they might be coming back to go to the bathroom, you have a contingency plan in place. He can either tap you on the shoulder and you rest your face on his lap so it looks like you’re sleeping, or you casually sit upright and put in headphones (so it looks like you were just down there to grab your headphones) and it’s on him to pull his sweater down over his erect, still-exposed penis. Yes, I have thought of everything with this situation, so you don’t have to. Enjoy!

12. At the back of a movie theater


movie theater blowjob, blowjob in a movie theater, blowjob at the back of a movie theater

Ahh, this old classic!

Aim for early/mid-day in an older movie theater, during a movie that is near the end of its run (fewer people) is best. And make sure to sit as far back in the rows of seats as you can so no one can see what you’re doing.

I recommend the older movie as the ideal because some new/super modern movie theaters have infrared cameras in their back booth and the operator can see if people are getting up to no good. Speaking of which, better to not start sucking him off within the first 10 minutes of the movie (aim for more mid-movie) because the operator often is the most focused in the first few minutes of any given screening.

Also, probably goes without saying, but make sure you pick a movie that is for adults only (i.e. PG14+/R-rated) for obvious reasons.

13. In front of a window

blowjob in front of a window, window blowjob

If you live in the city, give him a blowjob in front of a window in your home.

If you live in a high rise with lower risk of exposure, you’ll likely want to do it right next to the window with nothing covering you up.

And if you live on a lower-level or with another building facing you directly, then it’s better to have sheer or semi-sheer curtains obfuscating the view. Also, make sure to not backlight yourself too strongly, as your silhouette will be quite obvious (or, you know, do backlight yourself strongly if you want to project that sexy, anonymous image to any street-level onlookers).

14. In the back seat of a car

blowjob in the backseat of a car, backseat blowjob

Of all the different places to give a blowjob, this one has so many ways to calibrate to your individual needs.

You can do it while parked in a semi-public parking lot in broad daylight (with tinted windows and various things hanging around your car to block certain views). You can do it while ‘watching’ a movie at a drive-in movie theater. And yes, you can also do it in the front seat of a car while it’s being driven (although I wouldn’t recommend it – always obey local traffic laws).

A few things to keep in mind. The backseat of the car tends to be much more comfortable for the woman because doing it over the center console in the front seat can absolutely annihilate your ribcage. Backseat blowjobs are especially well-served by having a hair-tie on deck, so you have one less thing to worry about. And if you have paper napkins on hand, that can help make clean up a lot easier when you’re both finished. Have fun!

15. In a first class, private room on an airplane

airplane blowjob, blowjob on an airplane, blowjob in first class, first class blowjob

Hoooo boy… of all the naughty places to give a blowjob, with this one, you could really say that… the sky’s the limit. (Sorry, I just had to).

There’s three ways you can play this one.

First, on any flight, you can go to the bathroom together and do the deed. But you’ll likely both need to be very thin, very flexible, and very sneaky.

Second, you can do it in first class during an overnight flight where there’s especially non-attentive flight attendants. Even with a blanket over your head, this one is peak risky-ness.

And finally, the safest of them all, is if you’re both flying in an enclosed, first-class suite, then you can get away with this quite easily. Just shut the lockable door, set your desired mood lighting, and let ‘er rip!

If you and your partner are really balling out, they even have first-class, enclosed suites where you get your own private shower that has hot water! So you can blow his mind while hot water runs over your bodies at 36,000 feet in the air. Ain’t life grand?

Want To Be The Ultimate Queen Of Blowjobs?

Okay, so let’s say you’ve studied the best blowjob positions, you’ve memorized a solid shortlist of naughty places to give a blowjob… you’re totally on your way to all-time legend-status. Now what?

If you want to give him the ultimate blowjob of his life, there’s two things I would recommend.

First, check out a program my wife and I put together called Queen of Blowjobs. It has everything in it that will level-up your blowjob giving abilities (regardless of if you already get tons of compliments on your skills).

Next, if you want to drastically improve not only your sex life but also your overall experience of your life as a woman, I would recommend checking out our brand new program, called Eternal Glow. Eternal Glow walks you, step by step, towards getting to a place of positively beaming out a glowing sense of radiant, feminine energy, every day for the rest of your life. Yes, you will have more, deeper, and fuller orgasms. Yes, you will 10x the depth of satisfaction you experience in your sex life as a whole. But really? This program will enable you to live from a glowing, contented center, like never before.

Dedicated to your success,


Ps. If you enjoyed this article on the best places to give a blowjob, you will also love checking out the following bonus resources:

Queen of Blowjobs

The 12 Sexiest Positions For Blowjobs

Bring Him To God: Advanced Handjob Mastery For Women

Eternal Glow

5 Types Of Blowjobs You Can Give To Blow Him Away

Jordan Gray
About Jordan Gray

Jordan Gray has been a sex and relationship coach for over 15+ years, with his work reaching over 200 million people worldwide. His writing has been featured in Vogue, GQ, The New York Times, Cosmopolitan, Women’s Health, and countless other publications around the world. When he’s not working with 1-on-1 coaching clients or writing a new article, he’s most likely to be found reading, chopping wood, or spending time with his wife on a little island off the west coast of Canada.



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