At face value, blowjobs might seem like they’re all the same.
Erect penis, meet mouth.
But once you graduate from the adolescent groping that happens in the backseat of your car, you might realize that there is a whole other realm of blowjob mastery to be had.
You can incorporate dirty talk into your blowjobs. You can switch up the blowjob positions for a different kind of stimulation (both physical and visual). And now, you can play around with the different types of blowjobs, to really complete the package.
Regardless of whether you’ve been dating for weeks or married for decades, there are different types of blowjobs to suit every occasion!
Without further ado, here are the five major types of blowjobs that you can give to your man, presented in no particular order.
The 5 Types Of Blowjobs You Can Give A Man
1. The Love-Me-Tender Blowjob
Most often found in long-term, committed relationships, the love-me-tender blowjob is characterized by slow movements, loving words, and being full of heart.
The pace is laid back, and the blowjob itself is tender, sweet, and gentle.
This type of blowjob isn’t something you can fake. If you don’t love, respect, and admire your man, the loving part won’t come through, and it will fall flat. So make sure you only engage in this type of blowjob with someone that you heart feels fully safe with and connected to.
For a list of loving things you can say during this kind of blowjob, check out my Loving Dirty Talk article, and my Blowjob Dirty Talk article.
2. The Slutty Blowjob
The slutty blowjob is most often used in short-term, newer relationships, and on rarer occasions, in a long-term relationship that is looking to spice things up.
One of the quickest ways to turn a ho-hum-hummer into a slutty blowjob is to 1) not swallow any of your saliva throughout the entirety of the blowjob (‘But won’t that make for an overly wet blowjob where everything is a mess?!’ Yes, yes it will), and then 2) to also incorporate some anal play (either external anal stimulation with a wet finger/hand, or with anilingus).
For an added visual layer, you can also play with your saliva and (after he’s ejaculated) his cum with your hands and mouth.
3. The Aggressive Blowjob
The aggressive blowjob differs from the slutty blowjob in a few key ways.
While the slutty blowjob focuses more on ‘dirtiness’ and relishing the totality of the act, the aggressive blowjob is more about blowjob hunger.
It is the sense that gives off that you absolutely need his cock in your mouth. The way that you ask for it (or don’t ask for it)… the way that you facefuck yourself with his cock… the verbal dominance you spew while you take charge.
Sometimes the sheer sense of hunger (and, even, desperation) that you have for devouring his manhood is enough to push him over the edge with record-setting speed.
I remember speaking with one (male) client who told me that while his new partner’s blowjob technique was relatively lackluster, her passion and enthusiasm for the act would overtake him and he found that he couldn’t stop fantasizing about her. In his words, “I feel like I just literally get sucked into this vortex of intense pleasure. I’ve never cum faster with any other partner.”
So let this be a lesson to you. If you think that the only way to give a blowjob is to be sweet, demure, and tidy… think again. On certain occasions and with certain men especially, the biggest turn on can be the hunger with which you appear to be trying to suck his soul out of his body.
4. The Risky Blowjob
While the previous three types of blowjobs have more to do with tone and intention, the risky blowjob is about timing and location.
It’s important to note that risk is entirely subjective. What registers as a barge-of-fireworks-being-set-off-simultaneously level risky to one couple could barely be a blip on another couple’s radar.
Every couple needs to feel into what level of risk they are personally comfortable with.
For a few examples of what this could look like, I’ll give you a set of mild, medium, and high levels of risky blowjob ideas.
(Disclaimer: Be smart about this! What you’re aiming at is a perceived sense of risk, while still being within legal limits – which vary by location. Proceed at your own risk.)
Mild risk:
– In a car wash. While it would be a real feat to be able to complete a blowjob during a drive-through car wash (they don’t go for that long), sneaking in a quick suck while you’re both in the front seats of your car is a a great way to introduce a quick bit of spice into your sex life.
– In a parking lot. Do you have especially tinted rear-windows? Take advantage of that fact by slipping into the backseat of your car in a parking lot at night or during non-peak hours.
– While camping in a tent (when it’s just the two of you camping)
– In the woods. If you time it right and walk deep enough into the bush, a quick blowjob in a densely forested area can do the trick.
– In the shower. While this has lower social risk, it has more logistical risk (because slipping in the shower is a real thing – make sure to use your shower mats, people!).
Medium risk:
– In a public steam room or sauna. If you have access to a functioning steam room that gets especially dense with steam and you know when it’s sparsely populated, this is a great option for you to try. And if anyone comes in mid-blowjob, the thick steam and the auditory cue of their arrival will give you more than enough time to sit upright and hide what you were doing.
– If you live in the city, give him a blowjob in front of a window in your home, with sheer or semi-sheer curtains obfuscating the view (make sure to not backlight yourself too strongly, as your silhouette will be quite obvious)
– On your semi-enclosed home balcony
– On an airplane in a first-class, enclosed pair of seats
– In front of a video camera (that you have set up). That’s right – homemade porn! I would recommend only doing this with a safe, trusted, committed partner.
– Out in nature, under the stars. Whether you’re camping, or you own a truck you can drive into the countryside with, this blowjob is a winner. Pack blankets, pillows, and hot chocolate in a thermos if you want to be a real superhero.
High risk:
– In a movie theater. Early/mid-day in an older movie theater, during a movie that is near the end of its run (fewer people) is best. And make sure to sit as far back in the rows of seats as you can so no one can see what you’re doing.
– On a boat. Whether you rent or own it, a blowjob on a boat gives you a sense of risk while still controlling aspects of how risky it actually is.
– In a public bathroom (during non-peak hours) with him standing on the toilet. Careful not to fall in!
– On the beach at a resort (think: rentable cabana with strategically placed towels during non-peak season)
– On a Ferris wheel. Opt for a modern Ferris wheel that is fully encased by tinted glass, and hop in during non-peak hours. You might not be able to finish the job, but even doing it for a few seconds is still hot.
There are hundreds of ways to have varying degrees of risk incorporated into your blowjobs. Again, feel into what is acceptable for you and your partner’s mutual risk tolerance, and have a blast.
(Want to learn how to fall in love with giving blowjobs? Check out this bonus interview featuring my wife and I, from our Queen of Blowjobs program, on this topic.)
5. The Surprise Blowjob
While many of the risky blowjob locations can be incorporated into the surprise blowjob, it is also its own thing.
You want to walk a fine line here between knowing your partner enough that you’re only ever surprising them with something you know they would respond well to. For some, a well-timed surprise makes their entire month. And for others, it could be a stressor (again, depends how, when, and where you spring it on them). So always ensure that you’re calibrating these surprises to your partner to make sure that they’re a hit.
First, I’ll name a handful of times that surprise blowjobs are most likely to be appreciated by your partner. Then I’ll give you some examples of when and how to do it.
Times in life when a surprise blowjob will make your man extremely happy:
– When he’s going through a stressful time, and you’ve noticed him being more in his head/less in his body
– When he has been working especially hard and could use some stress relief
– In seasons when you haven’t been able to be as sexual for various reasons
How and when to give him his surprise blowjob:
Again, you’ll always want to calibrate your approach to your individual man, but here are some good places to start.
– Literally at the front door, right when he has come home from work (assuming you live in a house where it is just the two of you). Doing it here also sub-communicates that sucking his cock has been on your mind all day and you just have to have it as soon as you see him.
– After he has just come home from work, lead him by the hand and sit him down on a couch/the bed, and then have your way with him. Bonus points if you have already made him his favourite drink and/or meal for afterwards.
– While he’s doing the dishes. Have you heard of positive conditioning before? Or, have you heard the phrase conditioned stimulus? Even if you haven’t, it’s all good. Surprise-sucking his dick while he’s doing the dishes is a wonderful treat (and it may end up with him doing more dishes). Make sure to put something down on the floor so your knees don’t hurt.
– First thing in the morning. As in, literally have him wake up with his cock in your mouth. Tell me a better way to start the day… go ahead, I’ll wait.
– Wake him up in the middle of the night with a surprise blowjob. This is something I only recommend doing with an established partner. Or, someone you’ve explicitly asked if they’d be happy to receive this.
There Are As Many Types Of Blowjobs As There Are Couples In The World
Oral sex is super fun! And we should all strive to keep things interesting so that things stay fresh and exciting.
I hope that some of these ideas sparked something for you. And that you and your partner get to go off and create exhilarating new memories together.
Also, if you want to dive into the real epicenter of what makes an amazing, world-class blowjob, I highly recommend checking out Queen of Blowjobs, a video-course that my wife and I created together. Over 1,000 women from all around the world have gone through this amazing program and had their relationship to oral sex transformed for the better.
Dedicated to your success,
Ps. If you enjoyed this article, you will also love checking out:
– Queen of Blowjobs (video course on giving him the most amazing blowjob of his entire life, guaranteed)
– Bring Him To God: Advanced Handjob Mastery For Women (give him a life-changing, connection-deepening handjob)
– The 12 Sexiest Positions For Blowjobs
– Inside The Male Mind (video series for women)
– Blowjob Dirty Talk: 55 Sexy Things To Say While Giving Head